Crystal Reports 9 Runtime Installer Download

With the increasing number of versions of Crystal Reports and Visual Studio.NET, there is some confusion on which Crystal Reports runtime needs to be distributed with which version of Visual Studio.NET (VS.NET). In this article, I want to clarify what MSM or MSI files belong to which version of Crystal Reports and which of these will work on VS.NET 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2008. I have also added supported Operating System field as well as supported framework for each version of Crystal Reports.
What is Crystal Report Runtime. If you create an application using crystal report, then to run your Crystal Reports application you need to install the crystal report runtime engine on the target machine (Client machine).
As each version of Crystal Reports has its' own specific runtime which must be correctly deployed, it is critical that the deployed runtime be in agreement with the Crystal Reports assemblies for Visual Studio.NET referenced in your project. Also, note that the CR.NET component relies on COM Interop for the backend report processing engine.
It is therefore imperative that all runtime deployments are done by use of the MSM or MSI files. XCopy deployments are not supported, nor will they work.
The following matrix is a summary of runtime information for Crystal Reports from Version 9.1 for VS.NET 2002 to version 2008. Please note; any comments are very appreciated. However support queries or questions regarding details of deployment should be submitted to the ' forum.
I have an application designed 2005 along with CR XI R2. It works fine in my development machine and production server ( windows 2003 + IIS 6) but when I install the same application in another production server (windows server 2008 + IIS 7), my crystal reports are not coming properly.The images in Report/Page header is not being displayed. In windows/ temp folder i can see that image but it is not been rendered in the report. Once a report is generated ( without the images ) the IIS working process crashes and so i need to reset the IIS every time. Any suggestions??
Kindly suggest the user rights to be given to windows/ temp folder OR any other folders. I've just downloaded the Crysatl 2008 SP1 merge modules ( again in hopes there would be documentation included in file, but there is not. I am looking for a detailed list of all the pre-requisites Crystal 2008 SP1 requires for a runtime machine. I have found the document (), but I do not know if this is for a development machine or a runtime machine or both. And, I am not sure how detailed it is. For example, it lists Microsoft.NET Framework.NET 2.0, but does not list if Service Pack 1 for Microsoft.NET Framework is required. Does this mean that just the original.NET 2.0 framework (without the service pack) is required for Crystal 2008 SP1?
Please let me know.
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This package skips automatic verification: Requires Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, or 2017 to be installed This package was approved by moderator AdmiringWorm on 2/9/2017. SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio ### Note You must already have Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2012, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2015, or Visual Studio 2017 installed to proceed with this installation. To install Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell. Discussion for the Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio Package Ground rules: • This discussion is only about Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio and the Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio package.