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'The Analytic Hierarchy Process'. McGraw-Hill: New York.
'An AHP model for selection of suppliers in the fast changing fashion market'. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 51 (9–12): 1195.
• Najafi, A.; Afrazeh, A. (2011), 'Analysis of the Environmental Projects Risk Management Success Using Analytical Network Process Approach', International Journal of Environmental Research, 5 (2), pp. 277–284 • Yatsalo, B. I.; Kiker, G. A.; Kim, J.; Bridges, T.
S.; Seager, T. P.; Gardner, K.; Satterstrom, F.
K.; Linkov, I. 'Application of Multicriteria Decision Analysis Tools to Two Contaminated Sediment Case Studies'. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 3 (2): 223–233.. • Saracoglu, B.O. 'Selecting industrial investment locations in master plans of countries'. European Journal of Industrial Engineering.
7 (4): 416–441. • Pažek, K.; Rozman, Č.; Bavec, F.; Borec, A.; Bavec, M. 'A Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Framework Tool for the Selection of Farm Business Models on Organic Mountain Farms'. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 34 (7): 778.
• French, S.; Xu, D. 'Comparison study of multi-attribute decision analytic software'. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. 13 (2–3): 65. • McGinley, P. (2012),, OR/MS Today, 39 This article is a. You can help Wikipedia.
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