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Originally posted by:you dont have to get a cd key if you buy from the steam store it depends on the game you buy. If it is a steamworks game there will nevver be a need for cd keys.
It depends if you can install the game without steam. Fallout 3 is originally a Games for Windows Live -title, which has dropped the GFWL support. The odd part here is that according to OP it's still asking for a GFWL CD-key, which isn't there - nor will be there now that GFWL has been dropped. Might take a few days for it to update it functionally, haven't personally tried if I can launch Fallout 3 since Jan 3rd, 2014. (When the GFWL -support was dropped.).
When you buy this game, The Elder Scrolls: Arena and The Elder Scrolls Chapter II: Daggerfall will be added to your. Buy series (3).
Originally posted by:you dont have to get a cd key if you buy from the steam store it depends on the game you buy. If it is a steamworks game there will nevver be a need for cd keys. It depends if you can install the game without steam.
Fallout 3 is originally a Games for Windows Live -title, which has dropped the GFWL support. The odd part here is that according to OP it's still asking for a GFWL CD-key, which isn't there - nor will be there now that GFWL has been dropped. Might take a few days for it to update it functionally, haven't personally tried if I can launch Fallout 3 since Jan 3rd, 2014. (When the GFWL -support was dropped.) So are you saying that Bethesda removed GFWL from FO3? The storepage system requirements still list GFWL in the minimum requirements. Originally posted by:The storepage system requirements still list GFWL in the minimum requirements. Originally posted by:The storepage system requirements still list GFWL in the minimum requirements.
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