Ip Booter Xbox One


Whether you are a serious gamer or someone just pisses you off online. By attacking the designated IP address assigned to your opponent, you can kick/drop the player and he will be disconnected back to the main menu.

Thus, in return, will give you an automatic win against your opponent.Using a few windows tools we are able to kick players offline and automatically win by default.

StressThem is the strongest Booter on the market with a total capacity of 1000Gbit/s. StressThem is one of the most powerful, stable and reliable IP Stresser on. Knew something was up when the guy had 80s all across his roster. He IP Booted me in the 3rd quarter. His GT is dreadpiratejc. It'd be great if y'all could report him and help get this guy get banned.

You Played against me, no one 'ip booted' you or whatever you kept sending messages about. The score was 0 - 0 in the 1st quarter. I take my losses like a man, its a video game kid if you think everyone is out to 'get you ' then you may or may not a mental issue.

But harassing someone about 'ip booting' is the incorrect way of going about something. GROW up, as posted above the dude beat me fair and square and i knew it was Game over and no way i could stop it so i lost and took the L. Ever think about EA's terrible connection to servers lately or the XBOX servers in general or maybe someone else kicked you?? For how you were acting towards me someone you don't know i wouldn't be surprised!

Seems like everyday i get a Loss from a 'black screen ' or server drop. You just need to take a step back put the controller down and breathe bud. Sorry rant over, i just hate having someone spread bad JUJU about my name.

I've done NOTHING wrong and intend to keep it that way. Lmao I played enough games to know when I get ip booted or not, my router ping was 100 times normal, you used a cheap ass ip stresser and ddos'd my IP, unless you are suggesting ea xbox intentionally shut down my router for me, I haven't been booted in a while but I took off ozone for one day and get booted by a scrub like you. Your name is fucked, isn't it strange for you to make an account here just to 'defend' yourself? Oh and by the way it was 1:30 left in 2nd my ball inside you're 20, you couldn't stop shit so the only option for a W you had was to boot. You Played against me, no one 'ip booted' you or whatever you kept sending messages about. The score was 0 - 0 in the 1st quarter. I take my losses like a man, its a video game kid if you think everyone is out to 'get you ' then you may or may not a mental issue.

But harassing someone about 'ip booting' is the incorrect way of going about something. GROW up, as posted above the dude beat me fair and square and i knew it was Game over and no way i could stop it so i lost and took the L. Ever think about EA's terrible connection to servers lately or the XBOX servers in general or maybe someone else kicked you?? For how you were acting towards me someone you don't know i wouldn't be surprised! Seems like everyday i get a Loss from a 'black screen ' or server drop. You just need to take a step back put the controller down and breathe bud. Sorry rant over, i just hate having someone spread bad JUJU about my name.

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I've done NOTHING wrong and intend to keep it that way. Take your loses like a man except when you quit on me because I was beating you.

Quite the irony given your name. You Played against me, no one 'ip booted' you or whatever you kept sending messages about. The score was 0 - 0 in the 1st quarter. I take my losses like a man, its a video game kid if you think everyone is out to 'get you ' then you may or may not a mental issue. But harassing someone about 'ip booting' is the incorrect way of going about something. GROW up, as posted above the dude beat me fair and square and i knew it was Game over and no way i could stop it so i lost and took the L.