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Buku persamaan ic dan transistor tester diagram 1. IC Databook In this IC-Databook Software you will find pin assignments, connection layouts, function tables and the most important specifications available for the 40x. The current software version includes the data of more than 230 different IC's. Freeware System Version Download Windows 10 and older (64- and 32-Bit) 1.3.0 Description In this IC-Databook Software you will find pin assignments, connection layouts, function tables and the most important specifications available for the 40x. You can easily add additional IC's or edit existing IC's and exchange them with other users.
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General information: UNIVERZA NA PRIMORSKEM UNIVERSITY OF PRIMORSKA Titov trg 4 6000 Koper Slovenia Tel: +386 5 6117553 Fax: +386 5 6227530 e-mail: Key University Officers: Rector: Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD Vice Rector for Education: Assist. Sonja Rutar, PhD Vice Rector for Science and Research: Prof. Štefko Miklavič, PhD Vice Rector for Internationalization: Assoc. Boris Kavur, PhD Vice Rector for Economics and Finance: Prof.