Undead Slayer Cheat Codes

[REQ] Undead Slayer - posted in Cheat Requests: - Name of Game: Undead Slayer - Market Link if any:. Prosmotr psd v provodnike windows.
If this game is still not in Google Play. Then this game is still not modded or cheated by the professionals.
Maybe you just wait for it to be uploaded in Google Play, because games will only have 'fame' or become 'famous' when it is on Google Play. Since you already have the link of that game, Maybe the professionals here will help you. For further assistance, please message these guys: (They might answer) -Ayush770 -Manglam -Legend96 -Xologist -CHAIRMAN If one of those guys didnt answer, it's either they're busy or they don't want to grant requests. Nevermind, already found how to cheat this game, admin please lock why don't you share your experience? What you need: - gamekiller or gameguardian or gamecih maybe another cheat tools, you must set the tool to the deepest value searching. - forge unlocked in game then you can cheat this game, you just need jade for this game. 1st you must reach the level when forge unlocked (appear in the main screen), enter the forge, you can either enter weapon or armor, in the sub menu weapon/armor there is 2 tabs, standard and 4 stars items, enter 4 stars, then: - select 1 item, search the jade price - select another item with different price, search the jade price - repeat until you find 2 values - change those with converted negative number - buy the item info for converted negative number: source.
To enter negative numbers, you must know its unsigned value or something like that. - Chances you know all negative numbers.
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1% - To figure out what a negative number is, I suggest you download 'Calc-P' ( Programmer's calculator CALC-P) from the Android Market. With this calculator, you can you can find out what negative numbers are.
Such as: = -1 or you can enter -1 = You can enter any negative number, and find out what the corresponding value on GameCIH is.
ANY of atrix's quests CAN give undead slayer badges (USB's) the easiest way, i find, is to do the T.A challenge, and just r4p3 the 'easy Doomcrawler'. It really isn't hard. If this is too much for you to handle with the following team: ~you, wielding a light weapon ~Artix, hopefully with full mana ~your dragon, elementalized to light Then i recommend you do the 'Save Moonridge!'
Because it too, is pathetically easy. And if your laziness persists, then i recommend you go to the following website:If you are still too pathetic to get any USB's, then go kill yourselves. If this helped, rate it as the best answer. If this didn't help, rate is as the best answer.
This is the best answer. COOKIEZ~ Posted: dec 06, 2010 4:14 am.