Vag K Can Commander 1 4 Drajver

Older Ross-Tech RS-232 Serial interfaces can be set to power up as 'dumb K-Line pass through' interfaces. This allowed those old Serial interfaces to be.
Vag k can commander 1.4 is VAG Diagnostic tool via Can and K-line protocol. Is vag Odometer Correction Tool via can and k-line base vag cars. Vag commander k can 1.4 can read flash memories EDC16x, EDC15x, ME7x, MED951, MED751 (with next update will be possible programming of flash memories. VAG K+CAN Commander 1.4 VAG K+CAN 1.4 Commander Here OBD2Repair share with you VAG K+CAN Commander Full VAG-K+CAN Installation Guide. Driver installation 1.1.
Donlgle Driver -> in folder 'Dongle Driver USB' start file 'inf_inst.exe' 1.2. Interface USB driver -> in folder 'Interface Driver USB/Executable' start file 'CDM_Setup.exe' 2. Software installation place folder 'VAG-K+CAN Commander' at usful for you place 3. Connect USB dongle to your PC 4. Connect interface to your PC 5. If your operation system is Windows XP - skip this step Check proper setting of the USB-COM port Your interface is detected from Windows like COM port (USB-COM). You must check whether setting of CURRENT port are proper.
From 'My Computer->properies->hardware->device manager->Ports (COM&LPT)->USB Serial Port (COM x)' select properties (right mouse button) then 'Port Settings->Advanced'. Your value for 'Latency Timer (msec) should be 1!

If not set to 1. You can have a look in the file 'advanced settings usb-com port.bmp' how seems settings. NOTE: Next time when you connection your interface to another USB port settings above must be repeated so recommended is fisrst time when you starting usage to set proper setting of for all possible USB ports.
In the next SW releases need from setting of ports will be skiped. Starting SW You can start 'VAG-K+CAN Commander.EXE' file from folder mentioned in step 2.
Now your VAG K+CAN Commander is ready for use. Is obd2repair diagnostic interface for vag group. VAG K+CAN Commander Full Diagnostic via CAN-und Special-Function via K-Line. Do you know how to install VAG-K+CAN Commander 1.4?
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Required windows operation system is windows XP Be sure to setup and run the device software under windows XP. Fiba 2k10 for pc. Otherwise the device software and program can be broken or it will fail to work.