Visual Foxpro Serial Communication Arduino And Processing


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Mxm2 7-Jan-13 10:10 7-Jan-13 10:10 For those who have problems with Firmata's sysex and want to acess sysex comands easily: Try - change 'storedInputData' variable to public and use it, e.g.: Private Sub Button5_Click( ByVal sender As System. Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click arduino1.StartSysex() arduino1.mycommand1( 20, 1) arduino1.EndSysex() Thread.Sleep( 100) ' Delay less than a second arduino1.processInput() TextBox1.Text = arduino1.storedInputData( 1) End Sub use and read to add your own sysex command to Arduino.vb.