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Sony confirmed yesterday that the playstation portable will. Apparently, the much anticipated portable gaming device will be able to connect with the ps2 or psx home consoles. The connectivity will allow a game to be saved on the home console and transferred to the psp to continue playing on the go. The games will not be identical, though; instead, developers will have to create similar games for both systems which can use the same save. According to, moving a console game and engine to the psp is very easy because of the similarities between the systems. Sony emphasized that it is still pushing new titles for the psp, not just ports of old ones from the ps2. User comments 108 comment(s) psp is overblown memorycard (8:38am est wed mar 03 2004) sounds like those memory cards that they had for a while, pocketstations.
Wonder if this will be any fun – by bot well (8:44am est wed mar 03 2004) i think sony is hoping that their name sells the console. I think it will since the ps2 is pretty popular. But if they miss the november deadline for christmas shoppers, then i'm not so sure that it will be as successful. Parents would be buying them because of their relation with playstation 2's. It would be a reflex to provide their kids with a great gift for christmas. If it's released after christmas, the only reflex buying that sony will see is the “ooo, it's new so i gotta try it.” – by needs more sleep this is great (10:33am est wed mar 03 2004) the best psp news so far.gba better watch out.
– by master splinter do you even know what it is people? (11:08am est wed mar 03 2004) they've already delayed it in the us. They're saying we'll have it by march of 05. “overblown memorycard”?! Are you kidding me.
It plays games with graphics at least as good as dreamcast on a 6 inch widescreen lcd with 7.1 surround sound. Plays divx, mp3 and any other format you feel like throwing at it. Has storage capacity of 1.8gb on its disk. Should i go on? Its far from the pocketstation. I dont think its gonna matter when its released.
The real test is price. Rumors are anywhere between 150 and 400 bucks. For sony sake, lets hope its 150. Because if its anymore, nobody will buy it. – by mmhmm xbox killer (11:51am est wed mar 03 2004) psp will be the bill gats's lunchbox killer.
The price will probably be between $199 and $249. The 1.8 gb disc will allow it to have so many more functions. As a platform it could be compete with ipod, and have many other functions it could be used as a pocket computer. With mpeg4 encoder it could become a camcorder. I bet you, there will be a lot of products around this.
Lechebnie seansi orisa torrent. Hope that it is successful and paves the way to a ps3 as a lunchbox 3 killer and not only that, also as home pc and windows killer. – by antigates correction (11:56am est wed mar 03 2004) i meant the ps3 to be xbox 2 killer – by antigates oh it's that master nothing (11:59am est wed mar 03 2004) talking shit about my gba. Don't you have anything better to do than to go and waste valuable time posting your sick comments about my gameboy advance? I'd say it's full of crap! I could, though, use a psp disc as a frisbee, or use it as a cup holder. Now dosen't that sound great!? Death to psp!!
Death to psp!! Death to psp!! Death to psp!! Death to psp!! Death to psp!!
Death to psp!! Death to psp!! Boy,i can't get enough saying it! – by angry nintendo fan i apologize on behalf of most nintendo fans (12:56pm est wed mar 03 2004) wow, that was immature. I hope the psp does well, but it's not going to ba able to knock off the gba anytime soon. Consider the cost different, it's almost like compairing the different of getting a computer so that you can work on excel files in comparison to a computer that will run half life 2 at full resolution.
– by alpha another sony flounder. (1:32pm est wed mar 03 2004) the psp hasn't even targetted a marketing demographic for this device. The over 18 crowd?
Not too many people carrying dedicated handheld gaming devices nowadays, much less at $200 a piece 2. The under 18 crowd?
Parents are expected to pony up $200 for a handheld gaming device.? How can i enjoy a 7.1 system on a handheld.? More useless hype from sony. Believe it when you see it.
Sony has already downgraded the specs of the psx after trumpeting all of the great things it can do. Expect more of the same with psp. It's what they do. – by exps2player. Dude, this is so misleading. (2:28pm est wed mar 03 2004) see above: “will allow gamers to play the same game on their ps2 or psx as on their psp” “developers will have to create similar games for both systems which can use the same save. ” that means only the save game data is sharable.