Jedi Academy Skins Single Player Download


That is a great point of view. Let me guess you are a code junkie. While I agree with your oppinion, most people learn it to say that can do it, or because they are bored(that is why I learned flash and dreamweaver, not that it was hard). Or they are looking to see what it is like, to feel out what options they have in the computer word, or they want to be known for making something nice. The options go on and on, but anyway I was really looking for oppinions sp mods, not the Dark Alliance one, but a very good insight into the mind of a coder!

I thank you Later Feb 16 2003 09:45pm - Student. Yeah, just to devmap at the console and you can have whatever you want in SP. I haven't finished Dark Alliance, and I don't know if I will. My last saved game was in the fight with the final villain, and I'll elaborate in a moment about why I don't know if I'll bother to finish it. Dark Alliance is good but not great. I was kind of disappointed because obviously a LOT of work went into it.

My main beef with it was that the opponents were tough only because their speed and other attributes were cranked up to unbelievable levels. The way to beat them was to be a 'twitchy' player--i.e. A Nintendo freak--and to quicksave every time I scored even a modest hit against one. On a web page about level design, I once read that if a level has a villain, he should be a 'puzzle villain' rather than a mega-hit-points, hack-and-slash-at-high-speed kind of villain. I quite agree. The villains in Dark Alliance fall flat by that criterion. Perhaps the final villain is a puzzle villain, but I don't think so, and I don't know if I want to invest the save-reload-save-reload-save-reload time into finding out just so I can finish the level.

Aug 7, 2003 - The materials are listed here: 1)Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast You. 3)A character skin or model that you want to use in single player. After you have downloaded the file(or if you have one of your own), unzip it. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is a 2003 first- and third-person shooter action video. In both single-player and multiplayer, the player character is a Force-user, who has. Out of the box will mean that people are less likely to need to create their own 'skins'. Create a book Download as PDF Printable version.

The environment/level design was very imaginative and detailed. The evil whatever-species-Yoda-is was very sinister. The Icarus scripts were good. One of the things I liked about Dark Alliance was that the guy who did it took the time to learn about all the technical elements and bring them together.

Soooo many level makers out there don't even bother learning Icarus scripting or how to do transparent shaders (mystified by the scrolling text at the beginning of Dark Alliance? Dig into the pk3 and all will be revealed!).

There's text in the cinematics, something I don't think any other level maker out there does. Yet there is no sound in the cinematics--at least I didn't hear any (anyone?). Dark Alliance has all the technical elements in place, but the twitchy, mega-firepower, endless-quicksave fights were far more tedious than exciting. I really don't know if it's worth my time to save-reload-save-reload enough times to kill the final villain in Dark Alliance because it really doesn't interest me that much. Is the ending cinematic _that_ good? All that having been said, I can't say there are any other amateur mods out there that do any better. A lot of maps are 'another foray into box-land' (as one reviewer harshly described a map on a site I once saw) with no cinematics or anything that might require actually learning something technical for a change.

Developing a SP level is software development! If you don't want to learn the technical pieces, then you don't want to be a map maker. _______________ My signature is only one line. You're welcome. Feb 15 2003 09:03am - Ex-Student.

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